Fertrell Blog

Jeff Mattocks

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Summer Heat and Laying Hen

The summer season is just around the corner. While many of us look forward to our summers it will change how our animals behave and perform. Putting together a plan to reduce the effects of summer heat and longer days will be beneficial for your animals and you.

Fertrell Cattle Choice

For over 30 years, Fertrell's Cattle Choice has been our customers' first choice for wintertime-free choice minerals. Cattle Choice contains 15% calcium – 12% phosphorus, plus trace minerals and direct-fed microbials. Cattle Choice is specifically designed to balance the macro and micro mineral requirements of today's high-performance dairy and beef cattle. Cattle choice is well suited when feeding mixtures of corn silage, grass hay and legume forages. A great opportunity for your cattle to supplement their diets with precisely what they need when they need it!

Fall Grazing

Fall is right around the corner. All of the ruminant farmers will be trying to extend their grazing season. This is what we do, right? Unfortunately, every fall and spring during the flush of grass and grazing, someone calls they are bloating or having grass tetany.

Heat Stress Help

July and August are here. There is a little relief for the farmers working in the fields during July and August. Our animals, however, need to keep working. Please remember to take steps to mitigate the stress that comes with higher temperatures and humidity. Our animals dislike the excessive heat, humidity, and stagnant air.

New Product Development: Simple 6

Introducing Simple 6 concentrate, a new product from Fertrell. The idea for Simple 6 comes from a traditional recipe for switchel that has been used for 400 hundred years. Switchel was made from a natural sweetener like honey, molasses, or maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, ginger root, salt, and water. What the colonial farmers had made was the beginning of an electrolyte drink. The switchel provided energy and replaced electrolytes. Drinking switchel during demanding work in the fields harvesting enabled the farmers to work longer with less fatigue. Over the years, switchel became known as Haymaker Punch. The popularity of switchel waned over the years with the availability of ready-to-serve drinks like Gatorade and other sports drinks. In the past decade, switchel has seen a renewed interest.

Sulfur supplement for Livestock

   Sulfur is a key nutrient for all living creatures. It is an essential nutrient that we often overlook. For many years sulfur was free. It was being emitted by coal burning power plants, diesel fuel vehicles and other sources. This sulfur was caught in the clouds and returned to the earth by rainfall. However, this rain was acidic due to the sulfur dioxide and Nitric acid. The acid rain was causing negative side effects in lakes and water ways killing fish and reptiles in lakes and ponds. Also killing some types of trees and other vegetation. With acid rain causing environmental problems the EPA made laws and set restriction on sulfur and nitric acid emissions reducing the sulfur levels.

Spring Swine

Pigs are usually pretty “Bullet Proof” when raising them. The concerns with pig and the spring season are cold wet ground and increased parasite activity. Both of these can be managed by keeping the pigs moving on fresh ground regularly.

Cattle Grazing

Grazing season is here for many of you. Or coming soon for the rest. Grazing season is always exciting for both the livestock and you. Spring grass is rich in protein and potassium. These can be a deadly combination for most grazing livestock.

Looking for Baby Chicks?

Looking for Baby chicks? Consider connecting with the breeders of heritage type poultry breeds. There are a few resources available to connect you with the actual poultry breeders. Folks who have a passion to improve and maintain poultry breeds as they were intended.

Friends with Benefits!

The backyard chickens are those friends that could be in your backyard. Even in most urban areas backyards poultry are legal pets. Pets with rewards.

About this Blog

The Fertrell Company blog is for farmers, backyard gardeners, and homesteaders alike. Learn from the experts on all things natural and organic for both soil and livestock.

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