Fertrell Blog

Seth Epler

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Old tools work

It seems an easy thing to forget about some of the old tools at our disposal. And I do not mean an old beat-up tool that doesn’t function anymore. I am referring to some of the old tools that just somehow get lost to the wayside and unused. It also seems an easy thing to let the new shiny technologies of the world overshadow some of the things which work well and certainly already existed for a reason.

It’s All Management

This wouldn’t be the first time I bring this topic to light, and it certainly will not be the last. As I grow older, and maybe on a good day even wiser, I see more clearly the importance of effective management.   Whether we think of it or not, we all spend each day just managing our lives. This is a tall task indeed with all our natural hustle and bustle. However, taking the time to just look for different perspectives can open up potential to better manage the whole situation around us.

aragonite vs. limestone

The Aragonite that Fertrell supplies to customers is essentially a mineral form of calcium that comes from the sea.  Generally it runs from 33%-39% readily available calcium.  What this really means is that the calcium is immediately available, at a high percentage, and starts working with the soil right away.  Therefore, Aragonite can be applied in fall or spring.

“How Fertrell Incorporates Zinc, Boron and Sodium Nitrate”

The Fertrell Company follows the National Organic Standards to the letter of the law.   This works being that many of you customers out there are certified organic farmers.  However, we do have many customers that are not certified but still farm in a natural and organic manner.  Therefore, I would like to give a brief explanation of three components of our fertilizer blends to help amend your soils.  This should help with your understanding of why and what we put in our blends. 

Thinning Out the Herd

I think it is safe to state that many dairy farmers out there have been dealing with some tough times.  With some flooded markets out there, milk producers have been dealing with lower prices and quotas.  And sure, every situation is different.  Some folks may have very low debt or additional forms of income.   Maybe some dairy farmers are certified organic and are persisting with the higher organic milk prices.  But that is not the case many dairy producers out there.  Numerous farmers are focusing on spending less however they can.  Either way, it seems that many people are thinking “that it doesn’t pay” to put more milk in the tank.

Is Stray Voltage Affecting Water Intake?

Are your animals getting enough water?  I write this in the middle of November when cows are finally slowing down on their daily intake of water.  But that does not mean water intake is not just as important in the cooler season as it is the warmer season.  Cows always need water!  Craig Thomas, from Michigan State University asks, “Do you know which land-based mammal has the highest daily drinking water requirement (per unit pound of body weight)? Elephant? Rhinoceros? Hippopotamus? These may be good guesses, but the answer is the modern dairy cow.”

Forgotten Benefits of a Grazing Operation

There are many benefits to having a grazing operation within any livestock situation.  Most specifically, when livestock are grazing they are in their most natural state.  That is to say that if these animals were completely left to themselves, they would graze any available pastures because that is how they were born to act.   Basically, grazing is exactly what livestock want to be doing, compared to being in the barn.

Why Potassium is a MUST for Organic Produce (and how to use it)

Fertrell offers a product called Sulfate of Potash (0-0-52), mostly referred to as S.O.P.  Many of you may know this. Or maybe many of you have seen this on your Fertrell soil recommendations.  But I have been seeing lately that many seasoned produce farmers do not know of this product. ALL ORGANIC PRODUCE GROWERS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SULFATE OF POTASH!!!!!  All larger fruiting crops will benefit from additional potassium throughout the season!!!!!

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The Fertrell Company blog is for farmers, backyard gardeners, and homesteaders alike. Learn from the experts on all things natural and organic for both soil and livestock.

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